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100 Minute Documentary: EXPEDITION EGYPT on YouTube Now!

Exploring an unexcavated tomb in Saqqara, some of Egypts most famous sites, making new discoveries, perils inside pyramids, deep inside Abu Simbel, Valley Of the Kings & Queens & taking you to some places never before filmed, NOW ON YOUTUBE! A New 100 Minute Documentary, Explore the history with us! Hosted by Curtis Ryan Woodside & Egyptologist Sharon Hague. After the 8 Part short series, comes the full 1H40M docu film Following the maiden expedition across the land of the Pharaohs for Ancient Destinations Tours. ONLY ON YOUTUBE

Preview Clip from exploring an unexcavated tomb in Saqqara with Egyptologist Sharon Hague

Some behind the scenes shots from Shooting in Egypt in OCT 2018

For More Information on coming on Tour with myself and Ancient Destinations Tour, head over to the Egyptology page, or contact them via

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